Becoming a Nurse Practitioner: Marquette Student Orientation Recap
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Marquette University kicked off the start of the New Year by launching its first orientation to 12 new students of the Adult-Older Adult Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP) program in Indianapolis. Though each ambitious student had fairly different backgrounds, from case management to cardiac care, all shared one common goal: to become a nurse practitioner.
By setting the bar high, Marquette University’s ACNP program allows students who want to become a nurse practitioner to be placed in the best spot possible. Rated in the top percentage of the 2016 edition of Best Colleges by US News and World Report, Marquette University invests in each student while providing a reputable standard of excellence.

What is Marquette ACNP orientation like?
Through quiet chatter and first hellos, orientation allows students to grasp a tangible feel for the program. Students are able meet advisors, faculty, doctors, and have an in depth overview of what is to come.
The first class was eager and ready to dive headfirst into the ACNP program. Dr. Maureen O’Brien, associate dean, and Dr. Donna McCarthy, professor at Marquette University, spoke proudly about the prestigious program, answering any questions that the students had.
The two touched on the four pillars which the university stands for:
- Excellence: Keeping high moral character, and a good head on your shoulders is key
- Faith: Your own faith traditions will inform how you care for patients
- Leadership: Expectations that each student will be leaders in the field
- Service: Service-oriented profession, knowing how to confidently treat the vulnerable and undeserved
Also, Dr. Ronald Reisman, critical care specialist at St. Vincent Seton Specialty Hospital, made an appearance, getting to know each student over lunch. Dr. Reisman stated,
“nurse practitioners are in the sweet spot of health care, and the need is growing rapidly.”
Dr. Reisman is adamant and willing to approach doctors within his reach to do whatever he can to help students at Marquette have an upper hand.
Why our students choose to become a nurse practitioner through Marquette

St. Vincent Partnership
The partnership that Marquette University holds with St. Vincent is a top determining factor that resonates with many students. The vision of the program holds true at St. Vincent:
- Working with the needy
- Volunteering
- Helpful Community
In addition, all of the current students partaking in the program are already employed through St. Vincent and are acquainted with the system. Students committed to St. Vincent will find St. Vincent just as committed to them.
Career advancement and opportunity
Students understand that by becoming a nurse practitioner through Marquette University, success and the ability to expand is right at their fingertips.
Many students’ ambition to participate in the program stemmed from having a long line of nurses in their family. For example, one student’s mother just earned her PHD in nursing! She looks to her mom as an inspiration and strives to be like her every day by taking the first steps in the program.
One student is choosing to become a nurse practitioner through the ACNP program with the aspiration of one day opening up a surgery evaluation center.
With diverse goals and visions, students are ready for the challenge that their soon-to-be career will bring.
The advantage of becoming a nurse practitioner through Marquette’s ACNP program while keeping a full-time career is one of the many perks that the program has to offer. Through online learning and access to a full time advisor, the program caters to your schedule.
Acute care setting
Staying in an acute care setting is very important to students. By becoming a nurse practitioner, students are able to grow professionally and pursue their passion while providing care to chronically complex patients. Upon graduation, students are eligible to sit for the adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioner certification.
How to begin your journey as an ACNP student
You can take the following steps to begin your journey as a nurse practitioner with Marquette University today!
Speak with an advisor
The advisors at Marquette University are here to be your rock. They understand that you are striving for success while living a busy lifestyle. They are willing to help you in any way they can by providing you with institutional support and prerequisite guidance.
Shadow a current nurse practitioner
Before investing time and money, shadowing an experienced nurse practitioner can be a huge bonus. It allows you to see first-hand a day in the life of a nurse practitioner. Use existing connections through friends, family, old professors, or work. Let them be aware of your aspirations in becoming a NP. Amongst reaching out to current connections, you can also reach out to local clinics or hospitals in your area.

Because you must have at least one year of experience in a critical care unit, you may be able to find a nurse to shadow that you already know.
Have a support system
Throughout the 28-month, part-time program to becoming a nurse practitioner, it is important that you have the proper support system along the way. If family is the biggest support system in your life, be sure to confide in them before jumping into the program. This way, they will be aware of the challenge you are about to take on. You will be logging many hours into your studies, and it is important that you have a quiet environment as home base.
Have a vision
Finding your intention and writing down your goals will only help you during your journey to becoming a nurse practitioner. It will also give you reassurance you need in the difficult times to look back at those goals. Challenge your academic advisor by asking questions and forming a solid relationship for your benefit.
Want to learn more about becoming an acute care nurse practitioner in Indiana through Marquette University? Speak to an admissions advisor today.